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How do I clean a pool cover?


Bâche piscine
Bâche piscine

We tell you everything you need to know about how to clean and maintain a pool cover simply with the products you already have at home! Quick and easy, don't dread cleaning your cover.

Wind, rain, snow, humidity...your pool cover is exposed to all kinds of weather. So it's vital to maintain your pergola cover so that it lasts over time and looks as good as new.

Tips for cleaning your pool cover

  1. During the wintering period, it's important to regularly remove accumulated leaves to prevent them from decomposing or interfering with the drainage net on your pool cover.
  2. If your cover doesn't have a drainage net, it's advisable to remove stagnant water.
  3. You can run a trickle of clear water over it to remove impurities in a coarse-grained form; this will make your job easier during the complete cleaning of your pool cover.
  4. For a thorough cleaning, first remove your pool cover and lay it flat on the ground. Start with a quick sweep to remove any dust.
  5. Using lukewarm, slightly soapy water (no bleach) and a non-abrasive brush, brush gently in a forward direction. Don't push too hard, as you'll damage it.
  6. Once you've finished, rinse with clean water from a garden hose or bucket. Do not use a karcher; high pressure will damage the cover.
  7. The pool cover must be allowed to dry flat, in its entirety, if you wish to store it, otherwise it may become mildewed the next time it is used. If you want to put it back on, wait until it has dried a little so as not to leave any visible traces.

Maintaining and cleaning your pool cover

Cleaning a PVC or HDPE pool cover does not require regular maintenance. In fact, these covers are made from weather-resistant materials. We advise you to clean your pool cover when you store it, or when you change your damaged bungee cord.